The Leoness is a bit of everything; fashion, fitness, food, facts, fiction, fright, fun, etc.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweat: interrupted.

Every month I am pestered and bullied, like most women, by my own body. In the days leading up to Aunt Flow's arrival I find myself cranky, irritable, somewhat emotional, and insatiably hungry. It sucks. 
Of course, Auntie has no concern for special events. She comes as she pleases. 

I dispose my monthly visits. The uncomfortable silence, the blotchy skin, the bloating. When Auntie comes for a visit I feel my sexuality vanish as I seek solace in flattering sweats, (no they don't exist). During her visit, the thought of exercise becomes a chore. I find myself making silly excuse like: "I probably can't even fit into my workout clothes right now." 

The problem with making excuses is that it only perpetuates the problem. To achieve results in anything one must remember to: first breath, then to think pro-active, and re-active. Dragging your self to the gym for a good old fashion sweat to burn off period related steam has been proven to help  reduce the severity of:

By releasing endorphins the body's natural painkillers, 
by increasing blood flow, 
loosening muscle tension, 
and eliminating excess water. 

By waking up the large muscle groups and eliminating toxins through sweat.

Improve mood:
 Through the release of serotonin, and other feel good hormones.

Improve skin tone and elasticity:
 Which totally helps to remind you of how beautiful you truly are. 

Exercise helps to get you feeling yourself again. Break out a sweat; you'll thank yourself. 

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