
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sweat: Sweet Savings

Why is it we, myself included, spend massive amounts of cash on fitness? It seems we are willing to pay everyone, and buy everything that is suggested to help us get in "dream" shape. We spend "x" amount on trainer,  on runners, on gym memberships...etc. The problem from my perspective: is that in paying other for our fitness aspiration we outsource our commitment and fitness motivation to third parties. Fitness is a personal goal, something we can only achieve through our own personal motivation and commitment. We are each responsible for our own fit lifestyle. I am a huge Tracy Anderson Addict, I love her workouts. They are portable, and constantly change. I can make an hour for myself at home, to plug in a DVD and get my sweat on. 

My friend at Sparkles and Spinach posted a pin about a "fit money jar" a few week ago. The idea is incredible. After a workout, you pay yourself for committing to your fitness goal. Since Tracy's workout includes a cardio section, and muscular section I pay myself 2 dollars for completing my workout ( and an extra dollar for sticking to my diet). The fit money jar sits on my desk and serves as motivation. I know that if I stay committed to my workouts and diet I will save $90  in one month. The money I save can be used to buy new lulu lemons or be put towards something I really want. 

Above is a quick 10 minute toning workout. Follow along, and pay yourself a dollar for completing the routine. 

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